Untukmu From Me

Assalamualaikum and hello people!

And yes! This is me, the owner of this blog. Sigh.
I'm back! After a long time not to have any spirit to be here.
Simply said, I do not have enough time. Enough time to be divided equally.
It does not sound 'simply' at all right?
Yes, for you maybe it's a bit complicated.
But for me, it has complicated my life. Enough said.

I have enjoyed the world just not like any other ordinary human being, I guess.
 And yet, it was a very difficult thing.
Miserable, tired, sacrifice, annoyed, joyless, and happy.
I'm happy for struggling to let myself went through this problematic phase.
It was a phase that you yourself know that its gonna hurt you when you face it alone.

However, I have compiled a lot of memories.
I will share some of the update about myself, through the pictures below.
Somehow, this is how I spend my time during the year of 2012.
I may look happy, but I'm actually trying to find my happiness.

 "Keriuhan hanya membuatkan kita lupa akan kematian"

 "Kalau kau tak ada wang dan tak ikut trend semasa jangan harap kau dapat pikat hati seorang perempuan di usia muda".

 "It's okay to not be okay, semua orang ada masalah. But at some point, you just have to shake it off and slide your problems away. It happens".

 "Kawan yang baik adalah kawan yang tunggu waktu kau ada masalah. Kawan yang jahat adalah kawan yang tunggu untuk kau ada masalah".

 "Sesetengah kita sedikit beruntung kerana masih belum direjam hidup secukupnya".

 "Penghidupan ini hanya dapat di sentuh oleh jiwa, tanpa kejiwaan hanya tinggal kehidupan kosong".

 "Banyak diam dari berkata-kata kerana keindahan tak perlukan banyak bicara".

 "Individu yang berkeyakinan tinggi memang tak menyedari kekurangan mereka, lantaran rasa kagum terhadap diri sendiri terlalu menjulang".

 "Kalau rasa mengalah sebab susah maknanya kita takut untuk menyenangkan yang senang".

 "Macam mana nak rasa di sayangi kalau tak bermula dengan menyayangi diri sendiri".

 "Rasa kesunyian yang pahit di tengah keramaian. Lebih pahit dari kesunyian di waktu kesendirian".

 "Lingkungan hidup di sekitar universiti ini buat aku rasa penat dan ingin menyerah".

 "Setakat ini aku masih sukses mengekang lahar emosi dari meletus".

 "Sebenarnya, kematian mendekatkan kita dengan Tuhan dan kematian menawarkan kebenaran sejati".

"Tiap kata budak mentah perlu dilayan agar mereka tak kecil hati".

If you can read the captions for every picture (obviously), that is what in my tweets. 
I share it for you. 
Pretty much appreciated if you could follow me on twitter : @annazerul
If you can see the pictures (again obviously), you can see them too at my Instagram : ANNAZERUL.

"Don't look at the pain you're in.. Don't look at what you've lost. Look at whose 'eyes' you are in: "Be patient... you are in Our eyes", Allah Almighty (52:48).

Thank you for waiting. 
I guess you are reading too. 
So, thanks a lot for reading, yes a lot, a lot, for waiting and reading. Assalamualaikum.

My Sanctuary

Next semester will be my first semester as a student living in my own room outside the campus.
Can't wait to see how it progress.
Own room in Shah Alam, InsyaAllah for the next five semesters.
I have been rented a house located in Section 2, Shah Alam.
Alhamdulillah after struggling and having some 'drammatical error', I managed to find a house.
The house is super amazing with a super friendly landlord.
We will be neighbor to our own friends too. Yahhhooo!
So, I will stay definitely with my two hotties Hamdan and Hafiz.
We will be together with another 3 tenants, so total up to 6 persons in my house.
Currently, am excited in waiting for another three potential tenants.

The house provides with 2 bedrooms, a large bathroom, a large area of dining room, a comfy living room and a sweet escape to a balcony. 
I decided to share my room with Hafiz in a bedroom, while Hamdan will be acting like our maid, staying at the living room.

I put trust in myself, to have my own room which enough said, comes with a Style and yet Conducive.
That's why, I need to have rough plan starting from now.
Visualization plus creativeness is something important at the moment.

What should I put on my desk?

What should I decorate the walls?
From : Deviantart

What kind of bed should I sleep on it?
From : Ana Abu

From : Stellar

From : Deviantart

These could be nice!
 From : Ana Abu

 From : Nej Jalidar

 This one is so not suits me, but really like the 'lighting mode'.
From : Shea Rasol

Now, I can't wait to see what is actually the decor in the room of my favorite icon, Yunalis Zarai.

"Dreams are necessary to life"